Herbal Stress Relief
Coping with stress is not simple. When you’re looking for herbal stress relief, you want to be certain of what you’re getting and that it will actually help. Be it homemade herbal remedies or over the counter herbal remedy products, this is a natural way for reducing stress and the damage it does to your body.
Anxiety and Health
When you carry around a lot of tension it’s hard to focus on anything, including your health. As a result you may not notice some of the negative impacts stress has on your body. Do you find yourself getting sick frequently or struggling longer than usual with a cold or flu? That’s one way that constant worry affects you.
Unfortunately our society has become rather apathetic toward stress. It’s considered an every day part of life, and many people feel like they have to just “suck it up.” What we don’t realize is that attitude makes the tension even worse. This, in turn, leads to a variety of physical manifestations. Your heart might race, blood sugar goes up and muscles may ache, just to name a few. Stretched over a long period of time more serious issues can arise including ulcers, heart disease, depression, sexual dysfunction, diarrhea, and strokes.
In short, ignoring stress is not an answer. Finding herbal stress relief, however, could be the exact answer you need.
Supplements for Relaxation
There are many readily available herbs that are relatively safe and promote stress reduction. Valerian, for example, helps people who suffer from sleep disorders because of anxiety. Hops eases irritability, Passion Flower offers sedative qualities, and skullcap and catnip act as nerve tonics. Additionally kava kava relaxes the entire body, and chamomile calms the stomach.
Then there’s Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum). This herb comes to us from India where its used in Ayurvedic medicine for treating asthma, colds, and heart problems. The base constituents in Holy Basil make it an antioxidant with anti inflammatory qualities. Studies done with Holy Basil illustrate that it also helps with stress-related disorders by acting on stress hormones and supporting the immune system.
While no herb is a "cure all" its worth trying if you want herbal stress relief. People who are taking medications, or those pregnant or nursing should not begin any regiment for dietary supplements without consulting a physician. Additionally, the results from holy basil improve when combined with simple life style changes including mediation, deep breathing exercises, eating a healthy diet, and regular exercise that helps burn off some of that stress energy.
Herbalists recommend that in tea form about two grams of dried herb steeped in hot water, twice daily, should do the trick. As a vitamin between 300 and 600 mg is the average dosage (always check the label). Finally for those who prefer a liquid tincture, most brands recommend 30 drops of holy basil to ease your nerves.
NOTE: The information provided above, as with everything on BasilBasics, is subject to the Disclaimer. This is not intended to be medical advice, and we suggest you consult with your physician prior to altering any course of action.
Sources for Herbal Stress Relief
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